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Grundium OCUS® microscope scanners

High-precision imaging technology for digital pathology

A photo of Mika Kuisma, CEO
Grundium creates pathology imaging technology, making the best digital diagnosis available for all life. The compact Ocus® microscope slide scanners remove the entry barrier to remote pathology and solve lab workflow problems. Established in 2015 by ex-Nokia engineers, the Finnish company is democratizing digital pathology with the Ocus® microscope scanners. The cutting-edge imaging solutions are based on over 20 years of experience in optics, sensors, and beautiful high-precision devices. Grundium serves various industries and businesses by enhancing their imaging quality and processes, protecting human life, and safeguarding a clean environment.
- Mika Kuisma, CEO of Grundium
Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine
Karolinska Institutet
Massachusetts General Hospital
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Microsoft Azure
Specialist Direct, Inc
University of Michigan Hospital Ann Arbor
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine
Karolinska Institutet
Massachusetts General Hospital
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Microsoft Azure
Specialist Direct, Inc
University of Michigan Hospital Ann Arbor
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

The perfect solution for remote pathology

The Grundium Ocus® microscope slide scanners are designed and built to remove the entry barrier to remote pathology. The Ocus® series whole slide scanners and our browser-based user interface are very easy to use – anyone can learn to use them in just fifteen minutes. Both the Ocus20® and Ocus40® are single slide scanners with highly competitive scan times, and sharing scanned images, for example, to a colleague for a second opinion, can be done in multiple ways within minutes.

Forget the costly and time-consuming process of shipping slides or traveling to different locations to view the slides, let alone waiting for the samples at the site. Using Ocus® scanners, you can access crystal-clear digital images of the samples at any given time suitable for you, regardless of your location, using any computer you are already using for your work. Step into the digital era of pathology with the most practical slide scanner on the market – The Ocus®.



    Designed and built to enable remote pathology



    Incredible detail from a patented imaging system



    Intuitive user inteface needs only 15 minutes of training



    Fits almost any workflow, supports key file formats

  • API


    Library of software tools is available for integration



    Costs only a fraction of a multi-slide scanner

The world's most practical microscope slide scanners for digital pathology

The Grundium Ocus® microscope scanners are exceptionally small in size and weight, and their patented imaging system takes incredibly sharp and clear images. Power it up, connect it to your device via wifi or cable and you're ready to start scanning. The user interface is browser-based and no proprietary software is needed, which means you can use it with any computer, a tablet, or even a smartphone (but we recommend a larger screen). No processing power from the used device is required, as all the processing is done on the scanner's onboard computer.

The scan times for a 15x15mm sample are approximately 60 seconds for the Ocus®20 (20x equivalent) and 180 seconds for the Ocus®40 (40x equivalent). The scanned images can be exported and shared instantly in various file formats (JPG, SVS, TIFF) in multiple ways, for example via email, uploaded to your own cloud or exported to an external USB drive that connects directly to the scanner. The Ocus® scanners also function as slide servers, as they have an internal storage space of 500GB and a secure remote access can be set up.

Whole slide scanners or digital microscope scanners?

A whole slide scanner and a digital microscope scanner refer to the same device, offering advanced capabilities beyond conventional microscopy. These scanners enable the digitization of entire microscope slides, providing high-resolution images that can be viewed, analyzed, and shared digitally. Unlike traditional microscopy, they eliminate the need for physical slides and allow for remote access to slides and collaboration among researchers. With improved efficiency, precise image capturing, and the ability to store and retrieve vast amounts of data, whole slide and digital microscope scanners revolutionize the field of microscopy, facilitating research, education, and diagnostic processes.

Grundium will be a disruptive solution that would put a scanning microscope on every pathologists table and in every operating room, thus eliminating the location restrictions related to current stationary scanners. It will have a huge effect on improving pathology workflows here in USA and globally.
— Dr. Yukako Yagi
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, USA 
Digital Pathology Engineer

Book a live demo

See the OCUS® portable digital microscope scanner in action – request your free personal online live demo now. A Grundium expert will contact you personally to schedule a suitable 30-minute demo time for you. In the demo we will answer all your questions about which Ocus® scanner fits your needs best, we will talk pricing, share stories about how others are using the scanners, and help you fast forward the digital pathology experience in your lab.

Book your demo